Sermon audio genesis
Sermon audio genesis

sermon audio genesis

Martyn Lloyd-Jones calls the listener to see the big picture of the biblical message. In this sermon on Genesis 3:15 titled “True History?” Dr. It is where the great biblical drama begins-the drama of what God is doing in salvation.


While the first book of the Bible is full of historical facts, it is also much more than this. From a Christian perspective, this becomes most important in approaching the book of Genesis. Without the facts of biblical history there is no gospel. Christ was born of a woman and died upon the cross so that all who repent and believe upon His name will be saved and made inheritors of life everlasting. This is the heart of the gospel that God promised to Adam and Eve when He said that the seed of the woman would crush the serpent once and for all. It is not up to humanity and its reasoning, but to God and His infinite grace that He grants to those whom He has given to Christ Jesus. Only by God’s grace can those born in Adam receive new eyes and a new mind to see and know God rightly. But according to Scripture, all are slaves to sin and are born wholly corrupt. In its sinful pride and arrogance, humanity seeks to judge God’s word using the intellect and mind. Ever since, people reject the truth of Christianity by claiming that it is irrational, intellectually inadequate, and foolish. Martyn Lloyd-Jones proclaims that the power of sin over the world can be seen in the garden when Adam and Eve rejected God’s commands, lived by their own desires, and plunged the world into disastrous sin. In this sermon on Genesis 3:9 titled “Where Are Thou?” Dr. No one is wise, clever, or powerful enough to escape the corruption of sin. Lloyd-Jones encourages Christians not to cover over inadequacies with false hopes that cannot fix a guilt-stained conscience but to look to Christ who forgives sin and makes filthy consciences clean. Listen and hear about the God who is both just and merciful.

sermon audio genesis

Christians must fight the temptation to convince themselves that everything is just fine as it is but instead recognize that without a Savior, this whole world is upside down and their own soul is torn with sin and guilt. He illustrates this idea by calling out to the individual conscience and showing that fear of death and a guilt-ridden life have a God-given conscience in common. Martyn Lloyd-Jones points out that humanity has been trying to ignore the reality of God and of guilt ever since the garden. In this sermon on Genesis 3:7–8 titled “They Were Naked,” Dr. Ever since, humanity has never ceased to run from God and cover the results of the fall with intellect, politics, and medicine, ignoring the reality that no politician or medicine can address the guilt-ridden conscience. Adam and Eve covered their nakedness with leaves and hid from God. In the garden of Eden, humanity tried to recover from what was lost at the fall. This sermon confronts all with the truth of God’s salvation in Christ and the need to repent. This is the story of the world: humanity sinned against God, but God has sent Jesus to make all things new. Jesus is the new man who has come to redeem the whole world. The glorious truth of Scripture is that God has sent His only Son to overcome sin, Satan, and the fall. Only the word of God tells why the world is in the terrible state that it is, and God’s word alone gives the answer to all the world’s problems.

sermon audio genesis

No other story can account for the sin and evil that is in the world. When humanity sinned against God, the whole world fell into sin, and they became slaves of the devil. The state of the world can only be accounted for in the story of the fall. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the great story of the Bible by looking at the fall of humanity into sin, and the death of Jesus-the only remedy of sin. Why is it so important to understand the narrative of Scripture? In this sermon on Genesis 3:1 titled “The Message of the Bible,” Dr.

Sermon audio genesis